Kalungi App user permissions guide

Learn the abilities of account roles and tool permissions

Role types

There are two different levels of permissions in the Kalungi app: Workspace Roles and Tool Permissions.

Workspace Roles control a user's access to account mechanics like payment details, project visibility, and project/user management.

Tool Permissions control a user's individual access to specific tools (modules) within the Kalungi App. Each Workspace role has a default set of Tool permissions

Workspace Roles

There are four different Workspace roles. Each Workspace role grants a user different permissions within the app.

  1. Owner
  2. Admin
  3. Member
  4. Limited member


Please note: There must be at least one "Owner" active in any given Workspace. The final Owner cannot be removed until a new one has been assigned.

Owners of a workspace can:

  • Create new Workspaces (Agency plan only - Coming soon!)
  • Change the Workspace name & avatar
  • Delete the Workspace
  • Add new users to the Workspace
  • Manage permissions of and remove all Workspace users


  • Remove and add Members, Limited users, and Admins from Workspaces and Projects
  • Add new Projects
  • Change Project names & icons
  • Delete Projects
  • Manage all Members', Limited users', and Admins' permissions


  • View all existing & future projects
  • Edit tools only when given permission by a workspace Owner or Admin


  • Access specific projects they’ve been granted access to
  • Edit tools only when given permission by a workspace Owner or Admin

Tool-specific permissions:

OKR tool permissions

Each Workspace role is assigned a default permission for the OKR tool. Regardless of their Workspace role, however, a user's OKR tool permissions can be modified to allow for more or less access as needed.

This will be particularly useful in cases where, for example, you would like a user to only have access to one Project (a Limited user) but would like them to be able to edit all OKR values, regardless of if they are assigned to them.


This person can create and delete OKR sets and edit all OKR values.


This person can edit all Objective & Key Result values.

Limited Editor

This person can edit Key Result values they own.


This person has view-only access to OKRs.